It's About Jobs!
What ever your passion may be, it ultimately leads to jobs. When you spend money wisely it creates jobs. When you invest money wisely it creates jobs. The more you learn the more you continue to earn and that creates more jobs.
The world’s population has doubled in the last forty years. It is predicted that it will double again in the next twenty five years to twelve billion people. Forty thousand babies are born in China each day. Twelve thousand babies are born in the United States of America each day. Every minute the world’s population grows by two hundred and sixty seven new people. All have different fingerprints, DNA and thinking. Will Rogers a political Humorous said, “Show me two people that think alike and I will show you one that is not thinking.”
The challenge is to find your passion. Just remember that what ever your passion may be, it is ultimately about creating more jobs. If someone tells you, you are giving me more work! Remember that is what you are supposed to do. Create more jobs. With out jobs we become poor. The only way to help the poor is to find your passion and know that your passion is about creating more jobs.
When a company downsizes, it is about saving the jobs of the people that are left. The people downsized must find their passion and create more jobs for themselves and others.
The American people earned over sixteen trillion last year. A trillion is a thousand billion. Millions is craft, billions is art, trillions is fine art. The Federal Government deducted two point nine trillion from the peoples earnings and spent it to create more jobs.
The more excited you get about what you do, the more jobs you are creating. Only a request creates action (jobs) Desire with out intentions to create jobs for others is week. How may I serve humanity? What can I do to create jobs? Nothing happens until a sale takes place. Selling keeps production lines humming and the economy rolling. "As salespeople we should never be ashamed of our calling, as a matter of a fact we should be ashamed of our NOT calling!!"- Charles Calves
What ever your passion may be, it ultimately leads to jobs. When you spend money wisely it creates jobs. When you invest money wisely it creates jobs. The more you learn the more you continue to earn and that creates more jobs.
The world’s population has doubled in the last forty years. It is predicted that it will double again in the next twenty five years to twelve billion people. Forty thousand babies are born in China each day. Twelve thousand babies are born in the United States of America each day. Every minute the world’s population grows by two hundred and sixty seven new people. All have different fingerprints, DNA and thinking. Will Rogers a political Humorous said, “Show me two people that think alike and I will show you one that is not thinking.”
The challenge is to find your passion. Just remember that what ever your passion may be, it is ultimately about creating more jobs. If someone tells you, you are giving me more work! Remember that is what you are supposed to do. Create more jobs. With out jobs we become poor. The only way to help the poor is to find your passion and know that your passion is about creating more jobs.
When a company downsizes, it is about saving the jobs of the people that are left. The people downsized must find their passion and create more jobs for themselves and others.
The American people earned over sixteen trillion last year. A trillion is a thousand billion. Millions is craft, billions is art, trillions is fine art. The Federal Government deducted two point nine trillion from the peoples earnings and spent it to create more jobs.
The more excited you get about what you do, the more jobs you are creating. Only a request creates action (jobs) Desire with out intentions to create jobs for others is week. How may I serve humanity? What can I do to create jobs? Nothing happens until a sale takes place. Selling keeps production lines humming and the economy rolling. "As salespeople we should never be ashamed of our calling, as a matter of a fact we should be ashamed of our NOT calling!!"- Charles Calves
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