Advertising Today Pays the Bills Tomorrow
Nevertheless, you could never argue that efficient advertising today will pay the bills tomorrow. Businesses need good marketing and advertising. Unfortunately cash strapped small businesses will cut back on advertising to save a buck on expenses today and sacrifice their near future business volume because of it.
You must not be left out in the cold or hang your business out to dry when it comes to proper advertising. Ted Turner knew this and look where he ended up; On Forbes Billionaire listings.
Advertising Today Pays the Bills Tomorrow and you must never forget this. Perhaps today is a good time to review your advertising budget and your past successes and think about where you wish to be tomorrow and start advertising again today? Consider all this in 2006.
Nevertheless, you could never argue that efficient advertising today will pay the bills tomorrow. Businesses need good marketing and advertising. Unfortunately cash strapped small businesses will cut back on advertising to save a buck on expenses today and sacrifice their near future business volume because of it.
You must not be left out in the cold or hang your business out to dry when it comes to proper advertising. Ted Turner knew this and look where he ended up; On Forbes Billionaire listings.
Advertising Today Pays the Bills Tomorrow and you must never forget this. Perhaps today is a good time to review your advertising budget and your past successes and think about where you wish to be tomorrow and start advertising again today? Consider all this in 2006.
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