Color It In
So why does color matter to consumers? The simplest answer is past experience. For example, the color red is used to express feelings of excitement and passion, such as red roses expressing love. When people see red they get excited and are drawn to it. Red is considered a "power color" because it symbolizes extreme emotions. Businesses can use colors to communicate with their target and emphasize a certain aspect of a logo or ad. Color can also give a visual cue to the consumer so they know what to look for in an ad. These factors make color a very important decision in the advertising process.
We now know that choosing a color is a very important decision, but the decision can't be made without knowing what these colors mean. David Johnson's article titled "Color Psychology" describes the use of colors and the meaning behind them.
• Black is used as a color of power or authority. It is also used as a color of submission, such as priests wearing black to show submission to God.
• White is used to symbolize innocence and purity. The most common example is brides wearing white to their weddings or doctors wearing white to symbolize sterility.
• I already discussed the use of red as a color that garners attention.
• Blue colors imply peace and tranquility. Studies have shown people to be more productive in blue rooms because is releases calming chemicals in the body.
• The color green is one of the most popular and easiest on the eyes. It symbolizes nature and is often used to help people relax. During the NFL Draft, the top college football players sit in the "green room" to help them relax before their name is called. The use of green is designed to help calm their nerves.
• Yellow colors attract a lot of attention. It is the most difficult color to take in but it can enhance concentration on a particular object or symbol.
• Purple is a color of royalty, wealth and luxury.
• Brown is seen as a solid, reliable color. Men are more attracted to brown than women.
Now that we know what each color symbolizes, how do we use them? Let’s say you just started a company and want to seem really high energy and dynamic. The best color to use would be red because it embodies the image you are trying to portray. How about an older company with very loyal customers? This type of business would want to use green because it displays the business as trustworthy and traditional. Finally, we'll use the example of a creative company that wants to stand out look different. Purple should be utilized because it shows you as individualized and original, not likely to blend in.
All of this information can be used to enhance your presence in the market and effectively communicate your message to the audience. Simple colors can make your ads and logos stand out and increase your chances of awareness and recognition. Use color to its full advantage and have it speak to what your company is all about. Maximize your message by coloring it in.
So why does color matter to consumers? The simplest answer is past experience. For example, the color red is used to express feelings of excitement and passion, such as red roses expressing love. When people see red they get excited and are drawn to it. Red is considered a "power color" because it symbolizes extreme emotions. Businesses can use colors to communicate with their target and emphasize a certain aspect of a logo or ad. Color can also give a visual cue to the consumer so they know what to look for in an ad. These factors make color a very important decision in the advertising process.
We now know that choosing a color is a very important decision, but the decision can't be made without knowing what these colors mean. David Johnson's article titled "Color Psychology" describes the use of colors and the meaning behind them.
• Black is used as a color of power or authority. It is also used as a color of submission, such as priests wearing black to show submission to God.
• White is used to symbolize innocence and purity. The most common example is brides wearing white to their weddings or doctors wearing white to symbolize sterility.
• I already discussed the use of red as a color that garners attention.
• Blue colors imply peace and tranquility. Studies have shown people to be more productive in blue rooms because is releases calming chemicals in the body.
• The color green is one of the most popular and easiest on the eyes. It symbolizes nature and is often used to help people relax. During the NFL Draft, the top college football players sit in the "green room" to help them relax before their name is called. The use of green is designed to help calm their nerves.
• Yellow colors attract a lot of attention. It is the most difficult color to take in but it can enhance concentration on a particular object or symbol.
• Purple is a color of royalty, wealth and luxury.
• Brown is seen as a solid, reliable color. Men are more attracted to brown than women.
Now that we know what each color symbolizes, how do we use them? Let’s say you just started a company and want to seem really high energy and dynamic. The best color to use would be red because it embodies the image you are trying to portray. How about an older company with very loyal customers? This type of business would want to use green because it displays the business as trustworthy and traditional. Finally, we'll use the example of a creative company that wants to stand out look different. Purple should be utilized because it shows you as individualized and original, not likely to blend in.
All of this information can be used to enhance your presence in the market and effectively communicate your message to the audience. Simple colors can make your ads and logos stand out and increase your chances of awareness and recognition. Use color to its full advantage and have it speak to what your company is all about. Maximize your message by coloring it in.
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