Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Making The Most Of Your Sales Flyers

Many people know the value of newspaper inserts, dircet mail, and sales flyers, but drop the ball when it comes to making people react to them. Obviuosly, it is always a better looking flyer when professional designers and copywriters are used. But, even they sometimes miss the boat on getting action. The best way to get any action on your sales flyer is to "give your customer a reason to come in and try you out". That's right, the "what's in it for me" approach. Think of yourself like a consumer. What would it take to get you to try a new product, or try a new vendor, etc.?

It is all in "The Offer". Yes, you may not make as much money on their initial visit. But, they're first impression of your store is what the consumers take with them after that first visit that is crucial. If they leave happy and impressed, they will return (at regular prices) over and over again. You may have to discount a few items, or even give something away for free. But you will also want to upsell them other goods and services while they are in your store. Another point to remember on the offers; is to make them valid only during your slow times. You may not need new customers at peak times, nor do you want to discount these best hours.
Many people know the value of newspaper inserts, dircet mail, and sales flyers, but drop the ball when it comes to making people react to them. Obviuosly, it is always a better looking flyer when professional designers and copywriters are used. But, even they sometimes miss the boat on getting action. The best way to get any action on your sales flyer is to "give your customer a reason to come in and try you out". That's right, the "what's in it for me" approach. Think of yourself like a consumer. What would it take to get you to try a new product, or try a new vendor, etc.?

It is all in "The Offer". Yes, you may not make as much money on their initial visit. But, they're first impression of your store is what the consumers take with them after that first visit that is crucial. If they leave happy and impressed, they will return (at regular prices) over and over again. You may have to discount a few items, or even give something away for free. But you will also want to upsell them other goods and services while they are in your store. Another point to remember on the offers; is to make them valid only during your slow times. You may not need new customers at peak times, nor do you want to discount these best hours.


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