Saturday, March 24, 2007

3 Laws Of Selling And How They Can Help Your Business

“Revealed…The 3 Laws of Selling…And How You Can Exploit Them To Have Your Customers Pleading With You To Take Their Money”

If you follow these 3 simple rules in all your marketing and advertising you’ll sell more of your products and services.

Customers like to buy and not be sold to.

People buy for emotional reasons and not rational reasons.

But once they decide to buy, they instantly justify their buying decision with logical reasons.

Think about it. Nobody likes somebody giving them a hard sell. We like to decide to buy for ourselves. But that buying decision is always ruled by our emotions. That’s why your copy needs saturating with the right emotions for your target market. Such as these:

Greed – Who doesn’t want more money, to save money or get something free? But people aren’t solely focused on greed. There’s much more to a person.

Fear – Strike fear into the hearts of your customers. But don’t over do it. Reassure them you’ve got the only answer to their impending disaster.

Laziness – offer a quick, easy and simple answer. Everybody wants a quick fix nowadays.

Vanity – Flatter your clients. Tell them they’re special. Massage their egos.

Hope – Give your prospects some hope. How their lives will change for the better if they only buy from you.

Curiosity – Use this in your headlines to drag reluctant readers into your copy so people have to read on to discover what it’s all about. Note the headline for this article. It appeals to curiosity, hope and greed. Check for yourself.

Altruism and Guilt – Charities and fund raisers exploit these all the time to great effect. And long may they continue to do so.

Patriotism –Make your customers feel proud to be English. Exploit the ‘Made in Britain.’ Forget those foreign imports. Buy British and you’re helping your country.

So how do you know which emotions to appeal to? Draw up a profile of your prospect. Their wants, beliefs and desires. What keeps them awake at 4am? You’ll find you have a combination of emotional hot buttons to hit. Use them all. And write to one person.

And afterwards include some benefits, hard facts and figures so your reader can justify their buying decision.

Remember don’t hit your audience with logic. Capture their heart and their head will follow. Wishing you more effective salesmanship in print.
“Revealed…The 3 Laws of Selling…And How You Can Exploit Them To Have Your Customers Pleading With You To Take Their Money”

If you follow these 3 simple rules in all your marketing and advertising you’ll sell more of your products and services.

Customers like to buy and not be sold to.

People buy for emotional reasons and not rational reasons.

But once they decide to buy, they instantly justify their buying decision with logical reasons.

Think about it. Nobody likes somebody giving them a hard sell. We like to decide to buy for ourselves. But that buying decision is always ruled by our emotions. That’s why your copy needs saturating with the right emotions for your target market. Such as these:

Greed – Who doesn’t want more money, to save money or get something free? But people aren’t solely focused on greed. There’s much more to a person.

Fear – Strike fear into the hearts of your customers. But don’t over do it. Reassure them you’ve got the only answer to their impending disaster.

Laziness – offer a quick, easy and simple answer. Everybody wants a quick fix nowadays.

Vanity – Flatter your clients. Tell them they’re special. Massage their egos.

Hope – Give your prospects some hope. How their lives will change for the better if they only buy from you.

Curiosity – Use this in your headlines to drag reluctant readers into your copy so people have to read on to discover what it’s all about. Note the headline for this article. It appeals to curiosity, hope and greed. Check for yourself.

Altruism and Guilt – Charities and fund raisers exploit these all the time to great effect. And long may they continue to do so.

Patriotism –Make your customers feel proud to be English. Exploit the ‘Made in Britain.’ Forget those foreign imports. Buy British and you’re helping your country.

So how do you know which emotions to appeal to? Draw up a profile of your prospect. Their wants, beliefs and desires. What keeps them awake at 4am? You’ll find you have a combination of emotional hot buttons to hit. Use them all. And write to one person.

And afterwards include some benefits, hard facts and figures so your reader can justify their buying decision.

Remember don’t hit your audience with logic. Capture their heart and their head will follow. Wishing you more effective salesmanship in print.


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