Burton Upon Trent Businesses
Burton Upon Trent as many other towns is losing its roots mainly because Coors has taken over the world reknown brewer Bass. The same as HP being taken from Birmingham to go to Europe. When will it stop? I started to see it with pub companies planting the same pubs in every town in the UK and the same with department stores. Every town starting to look the same. England and everytown within it has its one underlying attraction - tradition. This is soon disapearing and this really gave me a blow to the ribs when they have even taken our British beer Bass away from us. We need to encourage UK businesses, firstly from leading by example by not selling our national iconic businesses to other countries. For more information on Burton Upon Trent visit
Burton Upon Trent as many other towns is losing its roots mainly because Coors has taken over the world reknown brewer Bass. The same as HP being taken from Birmingham to go to Europe. When will it stop? I started to see it with pub companies planting the same pubs in every town in the UK and the same with department stores. Every town starting to look the same. England and everytown within it has its one underlying attraction - tradition. This is soon disapearing and this really gave me a blow to the ribs when they have even taken our British beer Bass away from us. We need to encourage UK businesses, firstly from leading by example by not selling our national iconic businesses to other countries. For more information on Burton Upon Trent visit
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